Insulin Rationing

In the morning call ( The Lehigh valleys newspaper) there is an article about insulin rationing, which I will link below. This is something that should not be happening. Rationing insulin because a vial or pen acoustic so much that you have to pick between groceries or your meds. Sometimes you can’t even afford that. It’s crazy and ridiculous. people should not have to choose. And before comments start rolling in about Walmart insulin, yes it is 25 dollars a vile. But not everyone can take Walmart insulin as it’s an off brand. What happens if they are allergic? What happens if they don’t even have 25 dollars to buy it. This is something that would not be a thing.

Author: ianj2434

I am a social worker who lives in Pennsylvania with my Reporter husband and Cute Coonhound. I have Type one diabetes and love God my husband and my life. Join me on my journey with this crazy, Awesome Life.

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